But that worked yesterday! Testing with utPLSQL

Automated self-tests are a fundamental part of application- and web-development nowadays, yet they are still surprisingly uncommon in the database.
This is also true for the developer responsible for the Imperial Army DB. Things are getting bad when a mighty Sith-Lord requests a last-minute change…

It is a period of war and you, a developer of the imperial army, took over responsibility for a database application. Things are getting bad when a mighty Sith-Lord requests a last-minute change…

Practical advice based on a sample-project in a Star Wars setting how to introduce self-testing with the free open source framework utPLSQL v3:

  • Why your code and project benefits from automated tests
  • Demonstration of techniques and strategies to get your existing (legacy-)projects tested
  • Examples for meaning- and useful tests and mistakes you should watch out for
  • Thoughts on the testing “mindset”
  • Presentation of features utPLSQL provides to help you develop reliable automated self-tests